feel free to contribute or share your expertise. ALSO: we are growing Knowledge-Bases of these tools.You can jump from here to the links & review:.If you know of any WZ Tools not listed - give me a jingle. :).Links to these tools have been made more inclusive.It's all been collected in the following space:.Basically you've taken-in some kwel new ideas & now are needful to go off to your "lab" & make something tangible & fresh of those ideas.Another related metaphor (used mostly by musicians) is "Wood-shedding".where, among many innovations, the GUI OS as we know it was totally conceived (the "mouse" as well). Lockehead's "Skunk Works" where a number revolutionary aircraft were 1st notions then went beyond the drawing board into production.Ironic too that the Unix Kernel upon which Linux was built was the result of pure capitalism. (the Nobel wins out of that group are staggering in #). "Bell Labs" where "Unix" was created & made the whole Open Source movement possible.A vibrant bb or wiki can be a "Sandbox"."Sandbox" is a powerful metaphor for the free-form creative process in a community of shared interests.Mars Campaign Project Creativity & Community the Wiki Way If your curious to see what the whole Mars CAM is about you can jump directly to:.Faithcat has done a swell job of conveying the play experience.Faithcat has posted 2 reviews of Coyote's "Mars CAM Maps".
Warzone GPL Code Development Frequently Asked Questions.A very useful orientation reference by Karmazilla:.You can hop-on over to his project work space Here.Member NucNut was commenced his new Western Australia WZ Campaign & is looking for feedback & assistence. "The Future of Warzone 2100" (aka ) portal / clearing house for all things WZ - past, present & to come - celebrates it's 3rd month of growth.Since the GPL Source didnot include the FVMs or Music the GPL Development Project has distroyed without these components.New Project will be set-up this week to work on replacing the original campaigns FMVs.Here we'll also engage discussions on any topic under the sun that inspires Creativity, Learning & FUN.By extention, we are founded on sharing info & encouraging one anothers work to completion.Discussion will facilitate tangible creation & bring into gameplay NOW !.This will benefit all fans & grow that base into the future.

Here we can support each other in concurrent Projects while growing Knowledge Bases of all Creation Tools.Our goal is to band all New Content Creators into a collaborative environment that's more robust than a BB.Our Projects Table of Contents, NEWS & Links